Heck, when Faramir and Éowyn were in the Houses of Healing together, Faramir gave her a cloak that had once belonged to his mother Finduilas that he had kept in remembrance. They are absolutely devoted to the women in their lives, girlfriends and sisters and strangers alike. The men of Middle-Earth have great survival and tracking skills. They are openly affectionate with each other, they are educated and speak multiple languages and have a sound understanding of the literary traditions of their cultures they show their emotions and their emotional range is not limited to anger. They are manly without displaying toxic masculinity. The thing about the leading male characters in Lord of the Rings is that they are quality MEN. (I mentioned last year that this was also why I liked BuckyNat, but unlike BuckyNat Éowyn and Faramir did not have their romance completely thwarted *glares at Kevin Feige, Markus & McFeely, and the Russos*.) Like Éowyn, I am someone who has dealt with a lot of despair, depression, and trauma, and I want a lover who will understand that side of me. I mean, it’s not that I don’t want to fall in love period or that I don’t see myself in other couples I’ve blogged about, but Éowyn and Faramir are the realest vision of what my happily ever after looks like, even if their story is about Nazgûls and orcs and cursed rings. Yet they are more relatable than the noble human-elf couples of Middle Earth, and they embody the happy ending I want for myself. Of course, I have always been a sucker for side plots and supporting characters. The thing that draws me to Éowyn and Faramir is their story arcs, both of them surviving and persevering through trauma and despair, and then they come together and reach a happy ending. from my Tumblr “Our Hobbits” by DarkButterflyofNight on DeviantArt (And they’re both befriended/rescued by dumb hobbits).

They are also both side characters in The Lord of the Rings trilogy, people encountered by the different members of the Fellowship on their journeys. Both are of noble blood: Éowyn the niece of King Théoden and Faramir the son of the Steward Denethor. Their only difference in background is that Éowyn is from Rohan and Faramir is from Gondor. What makes Faramir and Éowyn special is that unlike the other couples listed, they are both humans. I am also a huge fan of Beren and Lúthien (who were Tolkien’s OTP), and Earendil and Elwing also hold a special place in my heart (I have read parts of The Silmarillion twice so there’s a reason for that).

I’m going to be real with you all: I have a hard time picking one ‘favorite’ couple from Lord of the Rings/Middle-Earth. Even if I didn’t finish this post in time for Valentines’ Day, I owe it to myself to get it done anyway.